About Conscious Recovery for People in Recovery​

The purpose of Conscious Recovery is to offer a spiritual perspective that can assist you in addressing the underlying root causes of your addictive behaviors. It is intended to enhance any program, therapy, or other support system in which you are currently engaged. Its aim is not to provide definitive answers, but to introduce questions that can assist you in accessing your own inner wisdom and rediscover your true nature.

Are You Ready to Take Your Recovery to the Next Level?

Achieving sobriety is wonderful accomplishment.

Conscious Recovery will deepen and expand your recovery, connection to self, and build resilience to dramatically improve the quality and dimension of your recovery.

Why Enroll in this Experience?

Join TJ Woodward as he leads you through an in-depth exploration of yourself, your lived experiences, and how those experiences have affected you and helped to shape how you experience the world. You are your own best teacher, and you hold the key to ending your own suffering. Conscious Recovery can assist you in deepening your understanding of addiction, provide you a roadmap toward liberation, and offer tools to assist you in living your most dynamic and connected life.

Why TJ Woodward Started Conscious Recovery

What You Will Gain Through This Experience

Through video, written, and experiential activities, TJ guides you at your own pace to learn about yourself and gain a deeper insight of your own personal pathway to recovery, and discover your inner essential self that is whole and perfect. By understanding how you developed your current view of the world, you can begin to change your perspective, find renewed hope, and learn to find the empowerment, inner wisdom, and worthiness you were born with, which helps you make permanent changes in the relationship with yourself, enabling you to live free of drugs and alcohol, or any other addictive behavior.

TJ’s Conscious Recovery helps you see what works in your day-to-day life and what doesn’t, helps you learn to love and believe in yourself and to understand why you make the choices you do…and then, to learn to make different, more effective choices. Once you begin to understand how your unresolved traumas and disconnection from your personal connection with spirit, and challenges with your core self-beliefs stand in the way, you can learn to create safety by “getting unstuck”, cultivating new ways of relating, and developing more effective, trustworthy, and enriching connections with others.

It is Possible to Heal

Once you begin to rekindle connection to your deeper self, TJ will guide you through a process of discovering your purpose, awakening to your core worthiness, and bringing you a greater sense of joy and connection in your everyday life, eliminating the need for drugs or other external means of numbing yourself.

Through this experience, you will:

• Understand what trauma is and how it affects us
• Learn to identify your own trauma(s)
• Understand spiritual disconnection
• Understand shame and its negative effects
• Learn practical strategies for cultivating safety
• Learn about and understand core false beliefs
• Identify places where you are “stuck” and how to get “unstuck”
• Understand the importance of gratitude and gratitude practices
• Learn practical strategies to find your purpose
• Learn to let go of ineffective thoughts, practices, and behaviors
• Develop your own personal “toolbox” of effective strategies to achieve and maintain effective recovery

What to Expect

This experience is intended to be worked through slowly, and our encouragement is that you take your time in completing the processes and journaling questions. You may also notice certain concepts repeating throughout the process. This is intentional. This repetition will allow these concepts and practices to be understood and integrated from different levels of awareness as you progress and shift the trajectory of your recovery.


Join Us Today to Begin Your Journey

Conscious Recovery for People in Recovery includes access to a comprehensive plan for personal growth and success that includes hours of video and dozens of self-guided activities that have been extensively tested and refined over the past 20 years. Through the step-by-step activities, you will grow in your understanding and self-awareness and connection to your essential self.

About TJ Woodward | Wholehearted Thought Leader

Recovery Specialist | Inspirational Speaker | Best-Selling Author

TJ Woodward has spent more than twenty years developing and refining a unique, integrative approach to treatment of addiction and addictive behaviors. He is the founding minister of Agape Bay Area in Oakland. He was ordained by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Agape International in 2018. The Conscious Recovery Method, finally released in 2017, is the culmination of his years of study, personal experience, and work with coaching and ministerial clients. Rooted in the understanding of underlying traumas that interfere with finding and cultivating our whole, perfect ‘essential self’, Conscious Recovery represents an integration of key elements from singular approaches, presenting a gentle and yet powerful approach to understanding and connecting with the whole self, and learning to let go of the wounds and other factors that get in the way of living full, authentic lives.

"You have the power to open your heart to a new way of being. You have the power to experience a deep sense of gratitude, peace, and happiness. This power is within you, right here and right now. All you need to do is say yes. Are you ready?"

- TJ Woodward