JULY 7, 2023: 10AM - 5PM PST

EVENT: Raising A Resilient Child: Professional Training Workshop

Presenters: Jennifer Hays-Grudo, PhD & Amanda Sheffield Morris, PhD

A workshop for those working in mental health, medicine, education, and childcare services. Whose work supports children & families. (social worker, counselor, teacher, therapist, first responder, physician, nurse, coach, spiritual leaders)


Co-faciliated Workshop: Jennifer Hays-Grudo, PhD & Amanda Sheffield Morris, PhD

Jennifer and Amanda’s trailblazing findings on childhood development have been hugely impactful to the developmental studies field. If you are a therapist, professional caretaker, counselor, or educator who is interested in child development and deconstructing past traumas, then this workshop is for you.

Topics include: ACEs, PACEs, Deconstructing Childhood Adversity, Building Resilience, Generational Trauma, & Attachment.

This workshop will give you the unique opportunity to learn powerful tools and methods of healing childhood adversity directly from two renowned child development researchers. You can apply the knowledge and perspective you’ll learn from Jennifer and Amanda straight to your professional practice.

ATTEND FOR FREE! You can attend our events for free if you're able to attend in person. Our events are fun, catered with great food, & get you get to be part of the program. If you show up for us, we'll show up for you!

This event will be video recorded to create a new continuing education course and resources distributed through Wholehearted.org. Attendees will be required to sign a release and may appear in the video recording.

JULY 7, 2023: 7PM - 9PM PST

Event: Balanced Parenting & PACEs to Building Resilience

Presenters: Jennifer Hays-Grudo, PhD & Amanda Sheffield Morris, PhD

A Two-Hour Event including talks by child development & parenting experts: Dr. Hays-Grudo & Dr. Morris. Q&A, Demonstration, and Education. This is a general public event and is suitable for anyone interested in the topics of: Healing Trauma, Balanced Parenting, Building Resilience, Raising Children, Improving Child Development in Schools.


Childhood is not a separate or distant part of our lives. The experiences we have as children affect how we engage with the world, raise our own children, interact with friends and loved ones, and even relate to ourselves. Many of us are unaware of this connection and end up struggling with our emotions and mental health. We pass our trauma onto our children and can even experience physical health problems because of it.

Child development, parenting, and mental health experts Dr. Jennifer Hays-Grudo & Dr. Amanda Shefflied Morris want to help break these dysfunctional cycles and share practical and powerful tools, practices, and education during this two hour workshop-style event.

You can mend old wounds and heal past trauma through self-compassion, self-understanding, and reparenting techniques. AND, for those with children (of ANY age), you can learn balanced parenting techniques to shelter your child from generational trauma, heal old wounds, repair relationships, and build resilience.

What does childhood trauma feel / look like? Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

  • Trauma is an emotional wound. More specifically, it’s a reaction or adaptation to experiences that have fractured our childhood attachments or connections.
  • Adversity is what happens to you.
  • Trauma is what happens inside of you.
  • Resilience is your ability to experience adversity and continue to grow or respond in healthy and effective ways.

The four inner child wounds are:

  • Abandonment wound. If you were abandoned as a child, you may fear being alone or left out.
  • Trust wound. If the adults in your life didn’t protect you from danger, you may feel insecure or afraid of getting hurt.
  • Guilt wound. If you were made to feel guilty as a child, you may not like to ask for help or set boundaries.
  • Neglect wound. Experiencing neglect as a child can lead to low self-esteem, repressed emotions, and difficulty saying no.


While there are many signs of a wounded inner child, here are some of the most common:
– People-pleasing behavior, such as trouble saying no
– Difficulty setting and enforcing boundaries
– Feeling guilty for standing up for yourself
– Avoiding conflict at every chance possible
– Fear of abandonment or letting go
– Feeling inadequate or unworthy
– Constant criticisms (strong inner critic)
– Afraid to ask for help or fear of being a burden

This workshop can provide with you education and important steps (PACEs: Protective And Compensatory Experiences) to begin healing childhood wounds. Additionally, there will be considerable focus on how to achieve Balanced Parenting and how to raise a resilient child, especially through adversity and past trauma. Bring a curious mind, open heart, and questions for the presenters.

Wholehearted is passionate about bringing uplifting resources to families and communities. We’re hosting this event so that you can have access to world renowned experts and resources. Changing ourselves is the first step to changing the world around us.

ATTEND FOR FREE! You can attend our events for free if you're able to attend in person. Our events are fun, catered with great food, & get you get to be part of the program. If you show up for us, we'll show up for you!

This event will be video recorded to create a new continuing education course and resources distributed through Wholehearted.org. Attendees will be required to sign a release and may appear in the video recording.

JULY 8 & 9, 2023: 10AM - 6PM PST

EVENT: Raising a Resilient Child | Workshops for Parents & Childcare Providers

Presenters: Jennifer Hays-Grudo, PhD & Amanda Sheffield Morris, PhD

Workshops focused on: Building Resilience for healing & education. Learn to create a stronger, safer, & more resilient foundation for children, families, & your own healing. We welcome parents, teachers, counselors, & anyone that works with or supports children of all ages.


July 8 & 9 contain multiple workshops tailored specifically for raising children of each age group (infants, adolescents, teens, or adults). Most workshops will average 90 minutes. This will be your chance to have your specific parenting questions answered!

July 8 Workshops: (Please arrive 15-20 minutes before the workshop begins)

  • July 8 at 10am: Balanced Parenting, ACES & PACES (All Ages)
  • July 8 at 12:30pm: Building Resilience in Infants & Toddlers with Trust and Courage
  • July 8 at 3pm: Preschoolers – Character Development

July 9 Workshops: (Please arrive 15-20 minutes before the workshop begins)

  • July 9 at 10am: Balanced Parenting with Pre-Adolescents
  • July 9 at 12:30pm: Tweens and Young Teens: Confidence
  • July 9 at 3pm: Building purpose in young adults

ATTEND FOR FREE! You can attend our events for free if you're able to attend in person. Our events are fun, catered with great food, & get you get to be part of the program. If you show up for us, we'll show up for you!

This event will be video recorded to create a new continuing education course and resources distributed through Wholehearted.org. Attendees will be required to sign a release and may appear in the video recording.

JULY 10, 2023: 2pm - 6:30pm (PST)

Connecting With Your Child: Understanding Trauma & Building Resilience

Presenter: Dr. Jorina Elbers

A Workshop for Parents: Parenting is hard in today’s stressful world. This workshop will give you the tools you need to raise happy & resilient children.


Wholehearted.org presents: Dr. Jorina Elbers, from the Heartmath Institute for a unique and informative 4-hour workshop that will empower you with the tools and wisdom you need to raise emotionally healthy and resilient children.

Main Learning Points:

• Learn in-the-moment techniques to manage anxiety and build resilience
• Support your children to express and manage their emotions in a healthy way
• Learn how to have more productive, less combative conversations with family members

Stresses and adversities are part of life, but we can learn to work through them while deepening family bonds, communication, and connection.

Building a family is fundamental to the human experience. And becoming a parent and raising children can be a beautifully challenging and rewarding experience. While it’s a lifelong journey that’s nearly impossible to be fully prepared for, the right advice, guidance, and support can make all the difference.

Wholehearted.org isn’t interested in “pie in the sky”, “it’s all good”, “woo-woo” kind of programs. We’re practical, normal people and we want to help you work through the very real hard parts of life.

So, lets get real – Most of us didn’t have perfect childhoods, most of us didn’t carefully plan when to have children, and most of us could use help when we’re stressed, scared, or unsure what to do.

This workshop is focused on very practical tools to help recognized how our past experiences and trauma affect how we parent and react to things as adults, AND that changing these reactions can be easier than we think. Dr. Elbers will teach simple yet powerful tools and practices to help understand and manage our emotions (self-regulation). Because when we properly self-regulate, we can create an emotionally safe environment for our children to experience their own emotions too. Who wouldn’t want their child to feel comfortable asking for their needs and being true to themselves?

The 4-Hour Workshop is broken into 5 Parts:

Part one: Meet Dr. Elbers & What is HeartMath?: A brief overview, the importance of including the heart, and the basics of building self-regulation.

Part Two: Setting You Up For Success: Self-Regulation for Parents, Triggers, Building Awareness, Creating Choices, Using Techniques, Turning Things Around.

Part Three: Becoming Your Child’s Emotional Life-raft: Teaching Your Child Emotional Awareness & Self-Regulation, Helping Your Child Express Their Emotions, Managing Intense Emotions, Techniques & Practices, Becoming Closer.

Part Four: Building Bridges, Not Walls: How To Have Effective & Coherent Conversations, Opening Communication, Self-Regulation (Before Difficult Conversations, During Heated Conversation, After Emotionally Charged Conversations), Cooperation with Spouses, Co-parents, and Childcare Supporters.

Part Five: Summary & Q+A

“As a parent, you want to give your children the best possible start in life. But parenting can be challenging, especially in today’s fast-paced and stressful world. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a new workshop that will empower you with the tools you need to raise happy, healthy, and resilient children.”

About Dr. Jorina Elbers, M.D., M.S.

Jorina is a pediatric neurologist with a master’s degree from Stanford University. She was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at Stanford and is now Program Director for the Trauma Recovery Project at the HeartMath Institute. She has been married for over 13 years and has 2 sons.

This event will be video recorded to create a new continuing education course and resources distributed through Wholehearted.org. Attendees will be required to sign a release and may appear in the video recording.

JULY 12, 2023: 2pm - 7PM PST

EVENT: Change Your Story, Change Your Life! A Skillfully Aware Workshop

Presenter: Dr. Mark Pirtle

General Public Workshop: A very special opportunity to participate in an intimate group experiential workshop. (Limited Spots Available)


ATTEND FOR FREE! You can attend our events for free if you're able to attend in person. Our events are fun, catered with great food, & get you get to be part of the program. If you show up for us, we'll show up for you!

This event will be video recorded to create a new continuing education course and resources distributed through Wholehearted.org. Attendees will be required to sign a release and may appear in the video recording.

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