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About Conscious Recovery Professional Training

Conscious Recovery is a comprehensive, holistic approach to addiction treatment offering effective strategies for getting to the root cause of addiction and addressing the underlying trauma, shame, spiritual disconnection, lack of worthiness, and other factors that underlie addictive behaviors. Conscious Recovery is rooted in the fundamental principle that underneath all addictive behavior is an essential self that is whole and perfect; the addictive behaviors are coping strategies to manage underlying unaddressed wounds and pain that drive the addictive behaviors.

Why Integrate Conscious Recovery into Your Practice?

The Conscious Recovery professional training provides an in-depth set of tools and techniques which will help your clients achieve and maintain recovery in the long term. The training builds on your existing skill sets and offers numerous practical strategies and methods to significantly enhance your effectiveness in a one-on-one setting, or when facilitating Conscious Recovery groups within an addiction treatment program. This training is equally beneficial for counselors new to the field as well as to those with decades of experience.

Why TJ Woodward Started Conscious Recovery

What You Will Gain Through This Training

• Create greater connection and attunement with your clients

• Assist your clients in accessing their inherent wholeness & inner wisdom

• Integrate life-changing holistic principles into your practice

• Become recognized as an expert in this groundbreaking modality

• Provide an after-care resource to Conscious Recovery Certified Programs•

Unresolved Trauma is a Root Cause of Addiction

Conscious Recovery identifies the first root cause of addictive behavior as unresolved trauma. In this video, Jeremy Miller and TJ Woodward explore how you can help your clients heal their trauma, rather than continuing to only focus on symptoms.

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The Five Key Principles of Conscious Recovery

  • Underneath all addictive behavior is an essential self that is whole and perfect

  • The addiction itself has never been the “problem” but was a strategy that has lost its effectiveness

  • Treating addiction must go beyond treating symptoms and get down to the underlying root causes of destructive behavior

  • The root causes of addictive behavior are unresolved trauma, spiritual disconnection, and toxic shame

  • There is a pathway to permanent freedom through the adoption of spiritual practices and principles

Spiritual Disconnection is a Root Cause of Addiction

Conscious Recovery identifies the second root cause of addictive behavior as spiritual disconnection. In this video, Dr. Adriana Popescu and TJ Woodward explore the relationship between disconnection and addiction, and the importance of connection as it relates to recovery.

Module One: An In-Depth Exploration

• A Fresh Perspective on Addiction
• What is Conscious Recovery?
• A Deeper Look at Conscious Recovery

Module Two: Holding Space

• Curiosity, Openness, and Presence
• Watch Your Language
• Anatomy of a Conscious Recovery Session One

Module Three: The Energizing Power of Presence

• The Observer Effect
• Our Shared Humanity
• Anatomy of a Conscious Recovery Session Two
• Anatomy of a Conscious Recovery Session Three
• Doing Our Own Inner Work

Module Four: Conscious Conversations

• Spiritual Disconnection
• De-Coding Our Emotions
• A Return to Wholeness
• Self-Love and Compassion

Toxic Shame is a Root Cause of Addiction

Conscious Recovery identifies one of the root causes of addictive behavior as toxic shame. This video is a presentation by TJ Woodward at a recent conference. In this talk, TJ shares a part of his own story, and discusses how to heal shame.

Program Includes

• Over 10 hours of training videos

• 10 CEs upon completion

• The ability to apply to become a Conscious Recovery Certified Coach

• Access to discounted pricing on the CR Experience for your clients

About TJ Woodward | Wholehearted Thought Leader

Recovery Specialist | Inspirational Speaker | Best-Selling Author

TJ Woodward has spent more than twenty years developing and refining a unique, integrative approach to treatment of addiction and addictive behaviors. He is the founding minister of Agape Bay Area in Oakland. He was ordained by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Agape International in 2018. The Conscious Recovery Method, finally released in 2017, is the culmination of his years of study, personal experience, and work with coaching and ministerial clients. Rooted in the understanding of underlying traumas that interfere with finding and cultivating our whole, perfect ‘essential self’, Conscious Recovery represents an integration of key elements from singular approaches, presenting a gentle and yet powerful approach to understanding and connecting with the whole self, and learning to let go of the wounds and other factors that get in the way of living full, authentic lives.

"Woodward has a way of boiling down things down into practical approaches. Honestly, this is better than what I learned in my graduate program. It's typical for professional education to be delivered through long winded and nauseated fiddle faddle that clinicians tend to yammer on about - Woodward cuts through all the naval gazing and delivers clear and concise practices and perspectives that should be at the core of any clinicians approach."

- Chris Davidson

Continuing Education Recognized By CAMFT & CCAPP

Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Medical & Mental Health Professionals, Students, Teachers, Law Enforcement
This course meets the qualifications for 10 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Recovery Bookstore & Wholehearted is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFT, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs.
Wholehearted.org maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. CAMFT approval number 146295.  For more information about refund/cancellation policy, accommodations for disabilities, grievances, issuance of CE certificates, and other policies, please visit the “About Us” section.
Recovery Bookstore is a CE Provider approved by CCAPP-EI, Provider Number 9-19-304-0122 for 10 CEH’S.